Autumn news

We are back with two delicious new proposals that we can't wait to let you taste: the Rose Cake and our traditional Romagnola Donut !

If you have never tried them yet, discover them below and order them from the comfort of your home. We bet you won't be able to do without it anymore.

Pastiera napoletana

Dolce storico della tradizione pasquale che non può mancare in tavola!
Realizzata secondo tradizione con canditi di cedro, ricotta e grano cotto, scegli il formato che preferisci e preparati ad un esplosione di gusto.

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Our classics

Excellent to accompany your days with a touch of sweetness, our classics are the one for you!

Choose from our selection of pies , biscuits and beloved madeleines . If you are looking for a perfect match to our creations, add a pack of tea-infusions or a bottle of fruit juice for a perfect snack.